19 February 2009

May I tell you what a rock star I am??

This is the way it goes. I struggle. I force myself to do a little. I force myself to do a little more. I start to feel it. I start to feel like a rock star. I'm getting there. I definitely feel like a rock star when I'm done working out. It's awesome.

So, as you may have guessed, things went well again today and it's all starting to fall together. It's getting back to where I would rather gnaw off my own arm then break my schedule. So here's how today worked out:

  • Protein Shake - Done
  • 45-60 minutes of cardio - Done
  • Breakfast - Rest of shake
  • Radford High - Done
  • Snack - Done, Fiber One bar not bad
  • Job Interview - Done, job not for me
  • Lunch -Done but it was after my strength training
  • Strength - Done
  • Job Interview - Done
  • Snack - Optional - Done, Craisins
  • Dinner - Done
Not a bad day. I do totally rock.....

Tomorrow will be a nice, slow day:

  • Protein Shake
  • 45-60 minutes of cardio
  • Breakfast
  • Work
  • Snack
  • Lunch
  • Snack
  • Strength - This is a maybe.
  • Dinner
Friday is my late day and the strength is definitely optional. If I don't do it on Friday it will get done on Saturday. That's the nice thing about weekends. For this weekend I will be going for a hike and possibly a bike ride. I haven't ridden my bike in months. I may take it out for a spin. I may even go hit the tennis ball around a little. Yes, it will be a good weekend. I have to remember to charge up my MP3 players for the hike. I have some good books downloaded that I haven't had the chance to listen to.

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Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...