When intentions don't meet actions.....

I want to workout. I want to get back into shape. I want to run again. Yet nothing is happening. Granted, I have a whole lot going on in my life right now; I'm busy with school; I start a 2nd job today; I've got the animals to take care of; my foot is seriously bothering me; and those are just the things I can think of off the top of my head. I keep saying to myself that I've done this before I can do it again, yet I just cannot seem to make a consistent effort. Why? I read a blog of this girl who is my total hero right now. She works out, she has lost a ton of weight, she runs, bikes, does all kinds of things all the time and I read her and think that I used to be like that. Now?? Not so much. How do I get it back?? Do I force it? Do I workout even though it's the last thing I feel like, and just keep at it until I'm motivated again? Do I not workout and wait for the desire to hit me again? What??? What exactly do I do??? I'm so confused.

I've been putting a lot of this off on the fact that I have too much downtime. I get home at 4 when I used to get home at 6. I always spend one day of the weekend just laying on the couch. I nap 2 or 3 times on Saturday and Sundays. During school breaks I generally reach a point where I don't do anything for days. So I've been trying to get busier. I know that energy begets energy. So if I move I will more likely keeping moving and get things done. It's like that law, a body in motion tends to stay in motion while a body at rest tends to stay at rest. I've been spending too much time at rest.

Okay, so today I start work at my 2nd job. Weird that I'm so looking forward to it just to get me out of the house??? Anyway, since I'm working all day I won't be laying around the house, that's good. I think I'm going to take Bella and train her a little bit then have some breakfast and get ready for work. I'm trying to decide if I should workout or not. I really do not feel like it so I think I will pass today. I will work on getting moving and add working out in once I get that down.

On a side note, I started my period yesterday after not having one since December. Bummer. But they are getting farther and farther apart.


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