04 October 2011

Now for something completely different

I am a serious tech geek. Okay, I'm not insane and sit in my room and don't see people and do nothing but work on my computer, but I'm pretty up on most things. I have a smart phone and a tablet. I use the cloud for storing my files and keeping my to do list - and I absolutely love it. I come across all the latest stuff and usually give it a try. One thing that I don't use is video chat. I have no good reason for why I don't use it except that I don't. I never have. Weird huh??? One of the problems is that I heard some sketchy things about Skype and that freaks me out a little bit.

Anyway, the point of this post is that I just discovered this new video chat called Linqto and it calls itself a video conferencing application. This looks cool. You can have your conference in a "room" with a capacity up to 300 people. People can take turns talking and appear on the feed. And if you don't have a webcam, no problem...just participate using the chat feature. Nice. The best part, at least in my opinion, is you don't have to download anything. You can use it through a Facebook application. Sweet. It's completely flash based and since almost everyone has that, except the iPad :), there is no need to download anything. This is great.

I belong to group that will be having some conferences and this sounds like something we may have to look into. I love that it's not a download so I can do it on any computer I happen to be on. It's a very reasonable $8 a month and was developed by folks at Stanford University. You can read all about it here. So if you have any use whatsoever for a video conferencing application that you don't have to download, check out Linqto.

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Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...