24 June 2012

Lazy Day

This was me yesterday. In the morning I went to the gym and did Zumba and Bodypump and they were awesome. I worked my butt off and felt great when I was done. I also pushed the weights a little and really worked my muscles. After I came home, Hubby came home and made these monster burgers that I have been dying for lately. We each ate a 1/2 lb hamburger with all the trimmings. After that meal and the gloomy, overcast weather, I was a bum the rest of the day. I lazed around, did a little of this, a little of that, and generally took it easy. It was awesome. Today though, I want to get some things done. I have laundry to do and cleaning and organizing and I think that's what I will work on today. I'm not going to work out because I can feel my muscles and I want to rest them a bit. Tomorrow though is running - no excuses. Oh yeah, I also need to go to the store so I have food for lunch so there is no excuses. Busy, busy, busy....

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Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...