18 August 2012


Craigslist is one of the greatest things to come out of the internet and also one of the most frustrating. It's an awesome place to find out just about anything you could possibly be looking for. I have gotten some amazing deals off Craigslist. My Bianchi I got for $80. It's an awesome bike and I'm still using it 7 years later. I just went back in my archives to try and find the date I got this bike and could not locate it. I found references to it in July of 2005 so I'm going with 2005. It's very strange how I can not find that post, I vividly remember the picture of the bike that I put in it....Oh well, that's a post for another day...back to Craigslist.....

So I'm looking for a treadmill. I want one for my house so that I can run/walk when I feel like it. So I've been stalking Craigslist. I've found a couple of really good possibilities. I call. I email. I hound them. They don't respond!! If you want to sell something shouldn't you at least answer your emails or phone calls??? It is so incredibly frustrating. There are 2 treadmills right here in Kaneohe, that I'm really interested in. I can not get the people to respond no matter what I do. Then today I drive all the way to the other side of the island to look at one and the guys texts me literally 2 blocks from his house to tell me he can't find the key. Really?!?!?!?! You post the thing on Craigslist and you don't make sure you have all the moving part??? Fabulous. He texted me later to say they had ordered it and it would be here in 3-6 days was I still interested. I said no because I'm not driving all the way over there again. So unbelievably frustrating....... I'll keep trying though because eventually one will hit. There are people who want to sell things on there.

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Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...