31 December 2012

It's finally here

the last day of 2012. 2012 was a very eventful year for us. I learned a lot of things, and relearned a couple others. It was a good year and I'm hoping that 2013 will be even better.

I laid out some general goals previously and now I want to expand upon them just a little more.

  • I want to get back into running.  Towards that end, I have set my sights on a half marathon in May and another one in September. Followed up by the Honolulu Marathon in December. So running will definitely be my thing this year. 
  • Crossfit & Paleo: I want to continue to improve and get stronger. I crossed a threshold the other day when I almost didn't finish a workout. I need to keep pushing through like that. 
  • Control of the finances: This is going to take a little creativity. I have settled one problem, my student loans, now there are a couple of other small issues to straighten out. Should not be too difficult. 
  • Finally, pursuing interests I enjoy. This is probably the one I have done most about because it's the one that's been neglected for so long. 
    • Tomorrow I'm going to start with a photo a day challenge for 1 year. I'll be posting them on Shuttercal. 
    • I have begun working on a crocheted afghan, I love crocheting. 
    • I have started working on a latch hook rug that is half finished.  Awesome
It is going to be a really good year. 

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Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...