16 March 2013


Is today. In a little over 2 hours I will spend 10 minutes doing the following:

The push press. I will be doing 5 of these at 75 lbs.

Then I will do 10 deadlifts, also at 75 lbs.

Then we will end with 15 box jumps.

I will do this set over and over and over until 10 minutes are up. The most any female has done, so far, is 14 rounds. 14 rounds in 10 minutes...That's craziness.... In my age group the top women have done about 7.5 rounds. That makes a whole lot more sense. Me?? I'm hoping to get 5 solid rounds in, maybe push 6. It's a goal, something to work towards.

Let's catch up on the workouts. On Wednesday we did:

5 rounds for time:

  • 7 back squats - 80#
  • 14 ring dips - with the blue band
  • 400 m run - I did all 5 runs without stopping
I did the 5 rounds in 25:47 and, more importantly, I really felt good doing it. I felt totally like myself. I was able to push myself and get through it.  

Thursday was  my rest day. Then last night we did: 
AMRAP in 12 minutes 
  • 1 bear crawl - back and forth
  • 8 push ups - which I did unassisted 
  • 8 overhead sit ups - holding a 25# plate over my head
I completed 6 full rounds plus about 3/4 of a bear crawl.  
This workout completely smoked my shoulders so today's workout should be a generally fun time.

In some other news, just before I started where I teach now, I went out a bought a whole bunch of pants at Old Navy. Some of them never fit me quite right and I never really wore them. Gradually, over the years, I put on weight and soon none of those pants fit. I bought a couple of pairs of pants that were the next size up and wore those until they didn't fit. Then I bought even larger pants. Since I've started Crossfit, I've done a whole lot of shopping in my closet. My largest pants have been gone for easily 2 months now. The next size down, which I considered my skinny pants for a long, long time, were so huge on me yesterday that I realized they had to go. The Old Navy pants that never quite fit right? Fit perfectly now. Some are even starting to get loose. This is so awesome and probably the best benefit of Crossfit. I'm seeing muscles everywhere. The underarm flab is almost gone. I love this. This is how I want to be. Forever.

And, I'm really feeling good. Still not completely and totally 100%, but around 99.9%. There is still some vestiges of fatigue that sneaks up on me once in a while.

Okay, this is long enough. I have to have something small to eat before I tackle 13.2.

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Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...