24 August 2013

Choose Happy

As I was leaving to go to Crossfit, I told the dogs that I choose to be happy. I said that all the way there and as I walked in. I choose to be happy. I took joy in the warm-up and did the hardest version I could on the WOD. I gave it my all and I am proud of what I did. I left there feeling good. Good about the work I did. Good about the way I felt. Good about life. This is how I claw my way out of depression. One moment at a time. Remind myself that I choose to be happy and look for joy in all things. I feel good. I feel like I have made a real start on the road to happy.

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Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...