19 January 2014


When you actually devote time to schoolwork and not just cram it in on the last day, it's actually a lot easier to do. Last weekend I had two papers due. I did not even start to look at them until Saturday. They were pretty lengthy papers and one of them, I had no idea how to do. Of course starting them on Saturday left me no time to ask the instructor. So I struggled and struggled and struggled and finally ended up turning something in that was garbage. With a vow that I was not going to do that again, I worked on my assignments a couple of times during the week. I spent a few evenings working on things, reading, looking them over, just to have it in my mind what I needed to do. I sat down to do the one paper that's due and I finished it within an hour. That is awesome. By looking at it during the week and playing around with it, when I sat down to write I pretty much knew what I was going to write. Awesome sauce. That sure takes the stress out of writing a paper. I have to redo the paper I did last week and start working on next weeks paper. But I know how to do it now, so I'm feeling good. I can devote a few hours to it today and tomorrow and should be well ahead of the game.

So, since I finished my paper so quickly, I guess I'll go to Crossfit this morning. No reason not to. It will throw off my schedule a bit though. Today will be day 3, which means I should take tomorrow off. Then go Tues, Wed, Thurs, and take Friday off. I don't like that. I like my schedule the way it is. I like going Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, off Thursday, Friday, then Saturday, off Sunday. Decisions, decisions.........

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Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...