14 May 2014

Knee pain

Of the many problems I have with my knee, pain in this area comes and goes. Usually it's not too terribly bad, but suddenly last night- yikes!! I could hardly walk. It hurt bad. It feels somewhat better this morning, but still not great. I have told the ortho and my PT about this pain and both nodded knowingly but never said what it was. So, I don't know what this is. But in looking for pictures for this post, I think I have discovered it. I think it's the IT band. I have had issues with it before and I have been doing a lot of sitting. A. Lot. Also, not only does the outside of my knee ache, but my butt does too. If the IT band has tightened up, that would make sense. And sitting does not help it. At least when I'm working I'm up moving around the room for most of the day. But for the past week, that has not been the case and I think that is the problem here. So, to test that theory, today I will not sit much. I will walk on my treadmill while I do some school work. I will do some house cleaning and just generally keep myself busy. When I sit down I will actually set a timer so that I don't sit for more than 10 minutes at a time. I have done this before and it really works. Moving seems to be the best medicine for aches and pains. Okay, I'm hungry and want some breakfast, then it is time for some schoolwork, I have a video to make by Sunday.....

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