09 August 2014

Moving forward

Yesterday, as a hurricane day, was okay. Not perfect, but okay. I had a great breakfast; omelet with bacon, sausage, peppers, onions, cheese; awesome. Never had lunch but ate some Fritos and liquid cheese. Then we went out to dinner at Denny's. Had a burger, fries, and a milkshake. So part of the day was really good and part not so good. Oh yeah, I had dessert too. But breakfast was awesome and I felt awesome after eating it. I have to remember that.

This morning I'm supposed to go to Crossfit but I'm debating it. It's raining. My knee hurts a little. I'm still kind of tired. I can pass on today and go tomorrow. I need to listen to my body too. If my knee is hurting, I should probably wait until tomorrow. Hard to tell if I'm being smart or just justifying an excuse. I have about 20 minutes to figure it all out. Maybe another cup of coffee will help.

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Well that escalated quickly

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