04 October 2014

I am a walking machine

Or at least I am trying to be. After last night's post, I was really fired up about walking - still am actually. So I walked to Crossfit this morning. It took me about 20 minutes. After Crossfit I walked to the store, grabbed a bag of ice, and walked home. That all took me about 30 minutes plus I carried 10 lbs of ice 2 blocks. I got home and was HUNGRY!!! So I made some breakfast then took a dip in the pool. After the pool I did some research for some of my school work and then took a nap. Love breaks. When I got home from Crossfit I checked my numbers on my FitBit and I was already at 7,800 steps. My goal is 16,666 a day so I'm basically half way there. Woot. I'm getting ready to take a shower. It's been raining on and off since I went in the pool and it does not look like I will be going in the pool again. Plus, I want to walk the dogs this afternoon and need a shower before I do that.

I just read a statement that said trying to lose weight by exercising is ridiculous and impossible. That is not what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to keep myself moving because sitting on the the couch is an unhealthy way to live. I'm trying to keep myself moving because the more I move the more I want to move. I'm trying to keep myself moving because when I feel my body doing amazing things, I want to fuel it properly. In many ways I am exercising to lose weight, but not in the normal sense. I am exercising - walking - because it has benefits that go far beyond the immediate and the obvious and I use those to lose weight.

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Well that escalated quickly

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