11 March 2018

The last few days

have been a bit of a food frenzy. Let me explain.

Thursday was the last day of school before spring break. That was fine, it was a normal day. Friday though, I was feeling a little celebratory. Had a couple of bites of pizza for lunch and jambalaya for dinner. Also, we had friends over for game night and there was alcohol. But it was super fun and I don't feel bad about it at all. Then yesterday was the Aloha Festival and I ended up eating some rice, malasadas, and beer. Again, not sorry at all it was super fun. Went with friends and had a great time. And I don't feel horrible like I thought I would. But, enough is enough. Time to get back on the horse and keep making progress.

I was going to go hiking today, but it is pouring rain out there so that's out. Even a walk around the neighborhood won't be a whole lot of fun. So it may be the treadmill today for me.

I went to the gym on Friday for the first time in 6 months. I did upper body and boy am I sore today. It feels good though. And it's not so sore I can hardly move, which I've done before, it's a sore that lets me know I actually worked out. I like this sore.

I guess the rain will force me to take a down day.  That's okay. I have lots of paperwork type stuff I can work on. I have tests to grade and lesson plans to create. So I'll be busy. Also, it would be nice to just take a day and not do much. Watch some Netflix, relax, that sounds good too.

Anyway, I'm done here. Time to plan my day.

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Well that escalated quickly

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