The end of laziness

I am on the last few days of summer break - we go back Monday - and the laziness has become unrelenting. I have done nothing the past week or so in terms of school work. I have been busy crafting and doing fun things and I'm very happy about that. But I have a long list of things that need to be done. Soon. And I'm not doing them. The last couple of days I have been extremely tired and have taken naps in the afternoon. I've avoided naps most of the summer and was super proud of myself. But now the naps have returned. Ugh!!!  I have a list of things I need to do and seriously not enough time to do them. Now what?  My two desks are a mess. I have a bunch of things I want to create for my classes. I'm still struggling with the organization a little bit. UGH!!! And I haven't been getting my steps in because of all of the above. Time to switch things up.

Today I am going to do the following:

  • Organize both of my desks and my craft room
  • Create a list of the things I need to get done this weekend before I return on Monday
  • Check off at least 2 things before the day is over. 
  • Do not take a nap
That should be a start. Tomorrow Mavy starts his trick class for his first title - yay!!!  Plus I think Janna and Mike are coming over for a bit. Sunday will be shopping for school clothes - at least I think it will be - and getting ready to return to work on Monday. Ugh!!! Well, I always said I work better under pressure. 


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