31 October 2021

Today it all starts

 I hate to say that because this is not like I used to be where I would go off the rails before a new start. It used to be that I would pig out on junk food, do absolutely nothing, and generally do all the things I was planning on stopping the few days before a 'new start'. I am not like that any longer. Yesterday I took a long walk with Mavy. I ate very well all day. I did push my bedtime a tiny bit but then I slept in this morning so it all balances out. So things are not like they used to be I just like to have a solid starting place. I do this in school too so I don't necessarily think it's a bad thing. 

So today self care becomes the focus of my days. I will take walks as long as possible with Mavy. I will work very, very hard to get my steps in. I will go to bed on time and get some good sleep. I will eat well and nourish my body. I will go to the gym at least 3 times per week to work my body. I will, most importantly, reduce the value I place on rest and relaxation. I will have time to relax every day but I do not need to make it the main focus of my day. So there. I'm ready. 

I started the day with a 15 minute meditation and the volume on my phone was turned off so I didn't hear the bell and ended up going 17 minutes. Nice. I'm going to listen to the weekly focus then take Mavy on a canal walk. After that I'm going to the gym, then coming home and getting this place cleaned up for the guests today. I also need to get laundry done and a little bit of school work. I will spend some time watching football with friends. But I will not drink today, I don't really feel like it anyway. 

Okay, my day is going to be amazing. 

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Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...