03 May 2024

Days go slow, years go fast

 this is never more true than at the end of a school year. This week flew by even though the days and classes dragged. But, another week down. Only 3 weeks left in school and I could not be happier. 

Earlier I had things I wanted to write about, but now I'm drawing a complete blank. It seems I really don't have anything to say. So I guess I won't. 

28 April 2024

Knowledge is Power

 For me that is super true. Once I hit on the limiting beliefs on Saturday,  it was shock and awe. I was in shock that I had let that creep into my life again, but I was in awe of myself that I figured it out. Once I was aware of it, I set about destroying it. For example, at the gym yesterday, not once did I think to myself I couldn't do something. A few of the moves I had to find the way I could do them, but not once did I say  "I can't do this".  In fact, I did think it once and immediately shut it down and did whatever it was. Now this does not mean it is gone or I am over it, not by a long shot. As clearly evidenced by the fact that it came into my life again. So it is something I need to be cognizant of and work on to keep out of my life. I also think I have to start looking at what other things have creeped back into my brain. I don't want to be that person. I want to be the person I am or that I know I can be. 

As for the rest of the day. The soreness from the workout started to creep in yesterday afternoon. That told me that I had not held back and that is a good thing. We also decided to put up a ceiling fan. This ceiling fan has such a story behind it, here goes. When we lived on Lydia Lane, that was such an elegant house. All the light fixtures matched and I wanted all the ceiling fans to match the light fixtures. All of them did except for one. So at some point we went and bought one that did match with the intention of putting it up. That never happened. Then we sold that house and moved to Tempe with an extra ceiling fan in the garage. About 3 maybe 4 years ago, the ceiling fan in our bedroom died. We had the extra one and kept talking about replacing it but it never happened. Then about a week or so ago, the ceiling fan in the kitchen died. Now that fan we need. So we thought we would replace it with the one in the garage. Well, it turns out the one in the garage is a flush mount, it has to be mounted to the ceiling, and not able to hang. The one in the kitchen hangs. Okay, a trip to Home Depot to get an adapter kit. Nope, they don't exist. So a new fan it is. We get one that can hang from the vaulted ceiling and head home. We decide to take the old one down and get ready as a friend was going to come over tomorrow and help us put it up. Well, we we started to get it ready, we realized that we would have to go to the top where it enters the ceiling to work. Ummm.....how the heck are we going to get up there? It's about 13' in the air. So we had to stop that and look for another way. We called Penguin air and they install ceiling fans but not on any ceiling over 13'. Since ours was right at the limit, they will have to come and look at it to see if they can do it. Okay. So we decide to get the bedroom ready for tomorrow and start taking the old ceiling fan down. As we are doing that, I said why don't we just put the new one up. So we did. It took us a while, but man is it great to have a ceiling fan in the bedroom for the first time in almost 4 years. 

Needless to say, by the time this was all over, I was exhausted. Sat on the couch and watched a little TV for a while, then headed into the pool. It was chilly but nice. Read my book for a while and that was our day. 

Clearly my limiting beliefs were no where in sight yesterday. 

26 April 2024

Been a rough week

 I need to start paying more attention because I think there will definitely be a pattern if I had all the data. I have weeks where I am just wiped out, that was this week. I was completely exhausted all the time. I would wake up and feel good and then by 9am I am yawning. Driving home I'm falling asleep at the wheel and I just lay on the couch all evening. Last night my eyes burned and I could hardly keep them open. This happens every once in a while and I'm not sure if it's what I'm eating or my workouts or what, but I really do need to figure it out. Because when those weeks hit, I'm just wiped out. It's hard for me to do anything. Maybe it's hormones, I don't know but I need to keep track of things to figure it out. One thing I did discover is that my body is getting used to having food. On Wednesday night, Hubby made some dinner with some meat he had smoked that I didn't like initially and I like it even less the second time around. So I really didn't eat much dinner that night. Then yesterday I was hungry all day. I ate, but I was still hungry. It was like my body was saying where is the food I need? I guess I was trying to make up for less food the day before. It was weird. Anyway, I need to keep track of this stuff so I can figure out what I'm doing. 

So the Aloha Challenge started on Monday and as much as I would love to win it, I'm having a really hard time getting into it. Of course, that may be because I've been wiped out all week with little energy to spare for anything. Those two things may be related. Anyway, I find the way they do the challenge not great for me. For example, they have a serving of protein as 2.5 oz for every meal or for carbs they have Ezekiel bread at 1.5 slices per serving. So I was just typing this out and I was going to say that I prefer to deal in grams of macronutrients as that is what my Lumen app gives me and I realized that I'm being silly. I can easily convert serving size into grams with a little math. DUH!!! I was definitely making it harder than it needed to be. I still need to work things out. I want to calculate how many grams of each macro the challenge is saying I need each day. That will help me plan my meals a little better. Okay, I feel kind of stupid now, I got stuck on something and could not see my way around it. 

Which leads to my next topic. My limiting beliefs. I was at the gym on Wednesday working out and I realized that I hold myself back in many ways. I was doing a movement, I don't recall which one, and realized that I could go heavier. Which then made me realize that I have been playing the old/injured card for a long time now. A. Long. Time. I need to push myself and realize that I am stronger than I realize. 

In fact, as I'm typing this, I'm realizing a number of limiting beliefs that I have. In my heart of hearts, I don't think I can win this challenge because of my age and the fact that I'm past menopause. Huh??? Yes, my body is different now, but that doesn't mean I still can't lose weight. I see evidence of women doing it all the time. This is like a revelation. I have let some limiting beliefs creep back into my life and they are absolutely affecting my life and my health. OMG!!! Okay, time to work on these and bust through them all. Wow, what an eye-opener. I can do anything I set my mind to. I have proved that time and time again. So I need to get over myself and get this thing done. 

20 April 2024

Faced my fears

 So I mentioned that I had gotten some of the cups I ordered. They are Stanley dupes and have gold plating under the powder coating, so when you engrave them the gold shines through. So awesome. I was afraid of engraving them. Afraid that I would screw them up. But I realized that the only way I was going to figure them out was to do it. So I took a cup and did a test grid on it. By doing that I found the best settings for engraving nice and clean. So then I attempted to make Hubby a cup and ended up screwing the placement up. I had to figure out the placement of the design. These are the cups: 

I have them in this creamy white and in black. The handle is removable but getting the placement right is difficult. Using the cup I did the test grid on, I marked where I lined up the laser and then did a test run. I was able to figure out the placing and attempted another cup for Hubby. It came out amazing. 

It came out so nice. The gold on the black is amazing. I love them. 

Then, since I had faced my fears of messing up the cups, I decided to face my other fears. A while back I had ordered some acrylic with different color cores so that you can engrave it and a different color comes through. Saves you from having to paint the engraving. I tried to use some of it but struggled greatly. So I decided to do the adult thing and do a test grid on all of it. So I spent the afternoon doing test grids. They take about 40 minutes of each one and it is not that exciting. But I now have a good idea on what a good setting will be to engrave this material and get the inner core. 

So I'm being an adult and facing my fears and not letting little things jam me up. Very exciting day. 

19 April 2024

Sometimes you have to take a step back

 that's what I did this week. I did not look or think about my business all week. Okay, that's not entirely true, I thought about it some, but I didn't really dwell on it. I did start a sort of social media planner that I will be working on this weekend also. I did get some of my cups from China so I'm going to play with them also. And I'm going to work on how I want to approach things with my business. But that's all for later. 

This week at school was rough and I'm not sure completely why. I was very grumpy and the kids were squirrelly and it made for a rough week. It could be because of my business. Trying to figure that out may have impacted my mood. That means I need to do fun things this weekend and make some progress so I feel good about things. I'm also going to clean this room, it is a hot mess. I've got crap everywhere and that makes me feel crowded and cramped. I've got new resin I haven't played with yet, definitely going to try that this weekend. I got the rotary and the fire system for my new laser and I'm going to get those on it so I can play. Yeah, lots to do, lots of fun things. 

Okay, I'm off to get things rolling. 

14 April 2024

Time for a change?

 So I started this little business about 1.5 years ago. The idea was to make a little side business that would keep me busy when I retire. I didn't want to make a ton of money and I sure don't want to work at it 40 hours a week, but just a little something to keep me busy. So I started making stuff and I started doing craft fairs. What I quickly discovered, and has been proved over and over again, is that craft fairs are hit or miss. And they are mostly miss. There has only been 2 shows where I actually made my booth fee back. Most shows end up costing me more than I make. This was highlighted yesterday. I signed up for a show that was touted as a dog rescue event. I thought to myself, this will be awesome. There will be animal lovers there. There will be people needing things for dogs. This will be great. So I had some leash holders ready to go and some key holders with dog themes plus my onsite engraving. I was ready. More importantly, I was optimistic (as I said yesterday) and thought it would be a good day. UGH!! I was so, so wrong. First, it was in the parking lot of a retirement community. Then there was limited parking available. Finally, they placed the rescues at the entrance to the event. This all resulted in foot (and I use that term loosely) traffic that was primarily people from the retirement community. People interested in adopting stopped at the front and never even made it back to us. I was even giving away free engraved tags and only made 3. It was absolutely horrible. Oh, and it was super hot. The event was supposed to last until 3pm but by noon people were bailing. We started packing up at 1:30. 

After, in the pool, we were talking. I don't think the craft show is the way to go for me. I'm going to have to come out of my self-imposed shell and start putting myself out there. I have some ideas that I just need to follow through on. I wanted to make Lori at the gym a tumbler and show her what I can do. Of course, I was hoping to get my cups from China but that doesn't look like it's going to happen soon. My luck, they are on a ship sitting in Baltimore harbor. But I'm going to put together some marketing emails for some places and try to sell to them. I'm also going to start doing fundraising things and try to drive some traffic to my site. I did get a good lead at the show for a sports cup. I have it coming today and I'm going to mock it up and see what I can do with it. Of course, that means I need to bust out the rotary and learn how to use it on the P2. I also need to learn to use the new software since apparently it is much more powerful than the current software that I'm using. I'm also going to work on my Amazon store. I put up my item and I literally have not been back to check on it at all. I need to work on that, get more things posted. I'm going to start posting in more places, Facebook marketplace, Instagram, maybe even get a TikTok - although I understand they may be going away. I think I need to start working on my marketing. Maybe even approach other gyms and things owned locally. But it is definitely time for a change.

13 April 2024

I've got 10 minutes

 Let's see how much I can get down in that time. 

Well, it's been another week gone by. I tried some things with my laser and they weren't working so that's a bummer. Then I didn't really do anything to get ready for the show I have today.. I have some things, so I'm hoping for the best. I would very much like to actually sell some stuff and make a profit. We shall see how that goes. It's a rescue event and a lot of my stuff is dog related so I'm optimistic. 

It was testing week at school, so pretty uneventful. Did get some things done though and that is always good. 

Not much else to say. Up early to get ready for the show. Going to be a longish day. I just hope things go well. 

Okay, I'm off and it's only been 4 minutes. 

Days go slow, years go fast

 this is never more true than at the end of a school year. This week flew by even though the days and classes dragged. But, another week dow...