2000 Meters!!!!!!!

Yesterday was a rest day and this morning it was swimming. I'm working on base building right now so don't have a real plan for swimming. Also, I'm trying to get over my freaking in the water and I figure the best way to do that is just go slow and get really, really, really comfortable in the water. Okay. So I headed off and on the way just decided to swim for 30 minutes non-stop. Just go and go and go; that's all. I also decided to go really slow and do some serious work on my form. I've got the idea of the form down I just need to perfect it and have it become so natural that I can continue it when I get tired. So off I go. I decided to hit my watch every 250 meters since that's what I've been doing lately. The numbers:

1st 250: 7:41
2nd: 7:32
3rd: 7:48
4th: 7:33
5th: 6:48
6th: 6:59
500m: 13:43

Totals: 2000m in 58:08

Not too shabby. More important is I was not exhausted; my arm did not go numb; I could have continued but it was getting late. A really, really good swim this morning.

That's all I have to say. I have a ton of things to do at work and no desire to do any of them. Have a great day.


Backofpack said…
Those numbers look good - a downward trend the longer you went. Good job!

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