Independence Day

It's the 4th of July and normally I would be looking forward to the day off. But since I've had days off for the past month, it is basically just another day. Also the fact that we are in our rental and unemployed - technically :) Anyway, all is good. We are going to see our house today and I'm very excited about that. Can't wait to see what it looks like. I have taken walks the last 2 mornings and it is awesome. It feels so good to be up and moving again. I got up at 5 am this morning. Took the dogs for a 20ish minute walk, then took myself on a 40ish minute walk. I was back before 7 am and it just felt good. In fact, it felt so good I was tempted to do some run intervals, but I refrained and just kept it to walking. Maybe tomorrow I'll jog a little. Day 3 of 5s AltShift and I feel really good again. I'm still fat, but at least I don't feel tired and sluggish and generally run down. I just feel good. Yay!!! I know it will take time, but I'm okay ...