Turn right in .1 miles

Don't you wish life came with a GPS? Okay, well many will argue that it does and they will then argue over their definition of that such as God, experience, parents, etc. Let us not go there. Also, I'm talking specific instructions; do this, turn right, turn left; not some general guidelines; do what's right, follow your heart, etc. Kind of like a college counselor. You want to be a teacher? Okay, you need to take these 8 classes in this order. You need to write this paper and read this book. Like that. I am a scientist so I like exact and specific. Unfortunately, at least for me, there is no GPS for my life. I have to make my own way and unfortunately I make a lot of wrong turns. Most times I'm able to figure out that I made a wrong turn and quickly get back on track. Other times I will take a turn that has worked for me before and keep taking it, not understanding why it's not working this time. You know what that is right? So, to quote Susan Powter, it...