
You know that commercial from Nissan (I think); Shift attitude, expectations, assumptions. Well, I think I've managed to do that; Shirt Attitude!!!!!!!

It was a great weekend.

I got all scheduled training in - Yeah!!!! A run on Saturday; a bike ride on Sunday; swim and run this morning. I'm smoking!!!!

I came to some realizations: I can't use my HRM as the only indicator of how I'm training.

Over the weekend I got:

Just a quick aside here. I ordered this book used from about 2 1/2 months ago. I waited patiently but never received it. I e-mailed the seller 3 times and she never responded. Finally, I filed a claim with and with 10 days I had my money back. Just thought you'd like to know.

So I got this and started reading it and a couple of things dawned on me. A) This book is not for me, at least not yet. B) Friel supported my contention that HRM's are not the be all and end all of training. C) This book will come in very handy next year when I plan to do a 1/2 Ironman.

So I'm going to read it slowly and start planning for my build up to Honu 70.3 in June 2007. I'm excited about that.

This book also supported my current training. I'm working towards building a solid base while training for a race and according to him I'm doing okay.

So overall it was a great weekend. Lots of folks ran races this weekend - congrats to all of you!!!

'Nuff said.


Mojo said…
Sounds like you know your plan!

I think HRM's are "for the birds", another Mom-ism. Mine is never tight enough, when I use a safety pin to tighten the elastic enough around my rib cage, it feels like a boa constrictor.It actually bruises my chest bone.

So, if it helps you.. I used my HRM 3 times when I trained for my Half. Just for kicks! I wanted to see how high it could go.

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