Ron & Bob's 5k

If you look over at my race schedule you'll see another notch in my 2008 race belt :) The race was this morning and I almost forgot about it. Luckily I remembered last night in time to get my stuff ready and get to bed at a decent hour.

This race is really easy. It's 2 loops of Kapiolani Park which is basically flat and boring. Almost every race on Oahu starts and/or end at Kapiolani Park. Everyone who runs, runs around Kapiolani Park at some point in their training.

Since I did so well on the 10k on Tuesday I decided to see how I could do on this one. I warmed up before the start so that I could go out kind of hard, and I did. My 1st mile was 11:17. My 2nd mile was 11:30. The last 1.1 miles was 12:49. Towards the end I thought I was going to throw up and I had to walk for a few seconds, so I know I pushed it. I'm very, very pleased with myself. Feeling like a real runner.

It has been a busy weekend and it's the beginning of a busy 8 weeks. My cycling clinic starts on Tuesday. That will be Tuesday and Thursday nights till 7:30. Swimming will continue on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. While the running will continue on Tuesday and Thursday. There will also be cycling on Sunday mornings. And I'd like to get a long run in on Saturday mornings. This can all work because I'm not pushing myself on the swimming. I'll be pushing myself in all the other disciplines. I'll start pushing harder on the swimming in March, about a month before my first tri. Oh yeah, there'll be some weight training in there also. I'm viewing it as a push to get myself really going. I'm looking forward to it.

Well, I have to finish cleaning the house and getting the laundry done. Then I have to go grocery shopping...... Ugh!!! Busy, busy!!!


Fe-lady said…
Congrats on your race! Great effort! (Especially since you felt like heaving at the end...!) Great job!
Vickie said…
Hey! Great job! Two races in a week! See how exciting it gets! You just want to keep going. Glad you are finding some races to keep you motivated! I think I am going to have to work hard to keep up!
GetBackJoJo said…
You know you gave it your all when you want to puke in mile 3. Awesome!

Oh-- and it is wonderfully ironic that we sit for hours reading these training books...
Irene said…
Nice run! I like your race schedule grid. I need to figure out how to do something similar.
Anonymous said…
WOW! I like your nice race schedule
grid. Thanks for this great post.
Anonymous said…
Congratulation on your nice race! nice effort! Great job!

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