Vacation planning

Okay, so my SF marathon fell through and I'm bummed, but I'm moving on. We are in the process of planning our vacation. Since Hubby has started a new job we are scaling back the vacation plans this year. We were going to take cruise to Alaska but we're saving that for next year. Instead we are going to fly into Las Vegas (it's cheap from here, don't ask me why) and we're thinking of renting a mobile home and cruising Arizona, Nevada, and Utah. There are couple of places I want to see in all three states and we're thinking a mobile home would be the easiest way. We could eat in the mobile home because I HATE eating out a lot, and we could pretty much stop anywhere and sleep. So that's the plan. Now, my question to you folks who live in Arizona, Utah, and Nevada is this, I want to do a marathon while I'm there. We are looking at September or early October. Anyone know of any races around this time in these areas??? Please let me know. Also, if you live in these areas let's meet up as I cruise around :)

Today was a rest day. It kind of wasn't planned but I woke this morning with a little plantar pain. One thing I have learned with PF is don't push it. I took the morning off, stretched it out, and am wearing my rigid insoles. It's feeling much better already.

Well, I better get to work, lots to do today :(


GetBackJoJo said…
Hi Flo! I'm just getting caught up on your blog.
It's so funny to think that Hawaiians vacation--off island of course!! Meanwhile we ALL dream of heading to where you are...
Sorry about your marathon....

Vacation, at least you live in HAWAII! I can't believe I've never been there! Someday..SOON, hopefully!
Irene said…
There's a bunch of us who did not get into the SF Nike event. We're looking to do either the San Jose half marathon or the Big Sur half marathon, both in the Fall. It would be kind of funny to get a contingent of "Not Selected for Nike" runners. :)

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