A day in the life....

I took the day off today. I've had a headache on and off for a couple of weeks now. I take ibuprofen and it usually helps. Yesterday at work, I stood up from a chair and the headache hit me, like a bat in the head. All day I could feel it. Last night I hardly slept because of it and nothing seemed to help at all. So I called in sick today and headed off to the doctor to see what's going on. Turns out they think I have a low grade sinus infection. When they said that I thought back to when this started and realized it all began with a horrible swimming day when I got lots of water up my nose and it all drained out hours later when I bent over to pick something up. Every since then my sinuses have never been right and this headache has been a fairly constant companion. They put me on some antibiotics and think that will be the end of it. Keep your fingers crossed.

I came to a couple of decisions today. First, I'm probably not going to do anymore triathlons this year. I will be starting school in a couple of weeks and I'm guessing I won't have the time or energy to train for a triathlon. Also, I have 2 marathons back to back, and I really want to focus on my running and do well in these marathons. As a result, I have no reason to maintain my Y membership as it was primarily for the pool. However, I have been using it for the elliptical since I can't run. When I had my other elliptical it really helped my running. I would use it for intervals and whenever I couldn't get out to run. It really helped build up my leg muscles and my running was much better.

Adding up my Y membership, $48/mo, for the next year or so equals $576. That's a lot of money to use the elliptical machines. So I priced some ellipticals today and found I could purchase decent ones for $200-$300. That way I would be saving at least $276 over the next year. I will be able to work out at home when it's convenient for me, with my schedule getting crazy this might be very beneficial. I can sell it before we move and get $100-$150 back on it. That way the use of it for a year would cost me $150-$200 for an overall savings of at least $376. Pretty smart huh?? That's why I'm going to be a teacher :) So I'm on a quest. I've already scoped out the local Sears and Craigslist listings. Mark my words, by this weekend I will have an elliptical. Meanwhile, tomorrow morning I will do my intervals on the bike as I don't feel like going to the Y (see, that's a large part of the problem).

This is what happens when I have free time on my hands, I think of all these things :) Jeez, the next thing you know I'll be composing Boston resumes while working out :) Seriously though, I have some goals though and an elliptical will really help reaching them.

Okay, that's it. We are going out to grab some dinner.


Michelle said…
Oh, I hate the headaches. I get them too and they suck! Hope you're feeling better soon and the meds work!
Irene said…
Do you weight train at all? You may have said but I don't remember.

$48/month is is sort of expensive, especially if you've been a member for a while. I pay less than $30. for yearly gym membership, but I've been going to that gym for years. I think you can get a sweet deal on an elliptical. Good luck finding one!

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