Sanity prevails....

and I've sidelined myself for a few days. After no workout yesterday the knee was exactly the same as if I did workout. I woke this morning and while the swelling is down considerably, it's still there. So reason has won out and I'm not working out this weekend. If it is not better by Monday, I will make a doctor appointment and have it looked at. This is so annoying. But I will use my head and RICE this weekend. I probably did something too it tripping over animal supplies around this zoo. I have dog stuff all over the place, including a bed that is not stable to step on but I do. The birds fling things on the floor and I don't always see them. The only thing I don't have to worry about is cat supplies since we don't own a cat. It's dark and rainy today. It's a good day to lie around reading my book with ice on my knee. In fact, that's where I'm going now :)


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