Two little words

running today?

Two little words. Two little words that greeted me this morning when I checked my blogs. Two little words left by MizFit, a fitness/blogging diva of celebrity status. Two little words that changed everything I had planned for this morning.

As I said in last night's post I put off my run yesterday. Then, in the middle of the night my TOM arrived. As I approach menopause (which can come anytime I'm ready) things are getting worse and worse. More cramps, heavier, etc. Plus the first 24-36 hours are the worse. I try to stay near the house during these times because I just never know how it's going to be. If I need to go out I do have some medicine I can take but I only do that in extreme emergencies.

So when this happened at 3 am, I thought to myself that's it for my run. I'm not doing 6 miles in this condition. So I get up this morning, turn on my computer and get smacked with those two words,

running today?

Ugh!!! I still knew that running really was out of the question today, but my visions of lying on the couch curled up with a book went right out the window. I went and did my scheduled strength training and pushed myself - hard. I then did 30 minutes on the elliptical at a higher resistance then normal and I kept the RPM's higher then normal. I am sitting here covered in sweat and feeling like a rock star. Yeah, I feel like crap but my workout today was above and beyond and I feel awesome.

So MizFit, no I did not run today but I got the best workout I've gotten in a long time. Thanks.


Shelly said…
I can relate.... I'm so ready for The Change, and every time I think I'm finally done, it's back! usually with a vengeance. Oh well, eventually it will happen.
Anonymous said…
And I'm honored to have helped.

Two more:

Anonymous said…
I can relate.... I'm so ready for The Change, and every time I think I'm finally done, it's back! usually with a vengeance. Oh well, eventually it will happen.

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