Some random things

This morning I'm going hiking. It doesn't look like it's going to rain so I should be all good. I'm going to do about 5 miles, that should take around 1 1/2 hours. Then I have to come home a scrub birdie cages from top to bottom. Jealous aren't you???

I've did a lot of reading yesterday on the Internet. I ran across someone who was lamenting that no matter how much they eat they are hungry. They weighed like 300 lbs and were hungry day and night. I wished that I could talk to them and tell them why they are hungry. It was not how much they were eating it was what they were eating. They said even though they were 300 lbs they were starving, and I nodded my head and said yes you were because of what you were eating. They had no way to contact them and I'm sure, in that state, they didn't want to hear what I had to say. Too bad, it might have helped them.

I came across someone else who was selling the 'key to permanent weight loss.' Have you ever seen these sites? They are all the same and I would like to know why. They are all one long page of written words. It will be interspersed with some pictures, maybe a testimonial or two, but basically it's one long page of lots and lots of words. There are always a list:
  • the one food that will kill you, see page 33
  • the one food you absolutely have to eat every day, see page 15
  • the one exercise you should never, ever do, see page 574
You get the idea. They never give you any hint at all as to what their secret is. The only way to find out is to plop down $40 and buy it. I've fallen for a number of those when I was struggling to find my way. They never told me anything I didn't already know. There was never a big secret or trick to losing weight. It was usually the same information, move more, eat less, just repackaged. Also, with these websites all looking the same, I just assume it's a scam of some sort. So if anyone did discover the secret to losing weight and staying thin forever, if they sold it on one of these sites I would never believe them and probably never buy it. Oh well, my loss. Also, if it really is as easy as you make it out to be, why haven't I heard of it before???

That's all I got. I'm going to go make a shake and head out on my hike. Then it's cleaning birdie cages. What joy!! I think I have to get an insurance quote too. I have to see if I can do that online instead of talking to people. There are times when I just don't feel like talking to people. Anyway, I'm off.


Anonymous said…
Hi How are you! I just wanted to let you know that I have selected your site to receive an "Honest Scrap" award.

Keep up the great writing :-)

Anonymous said…
What a great rambling for my reading. Wish you don't stop writing.
See you around.

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