In all that went on in the past couple of weeks with Nala and all, I left out one small detail..... I turned 50. On April 15th I turned 50. In many ways I'm shocked. When I was young I never imagined that I'd live to 50 and now it's here. I'm not bothered or upset in any way over being 50, it's more like a oh wow!! I'm 50. I also don't feel old at all. 50 is young. Very young. Anyway, just thought I'd share that.

My workouts have been going fabulously. I am so proud of myself for getting up every morning. My food has been mostly good. Like tonight we had stir-fry and I probably ate more then I should have. But overall I'm happy. I almost changed my workouts the other day but I've decided to hold firm to the 10 day kick start. I always switch routines in the middle and then get frustrated with myself. So this time I'm sticking to it for the full 10 days. I just finished day 4.

Okay, I have to go do dishes and veg on the couch for a while. I have lots to do this weekend.


Sharkbytes said…
Congrats! Happy day for you. Hope your heart healing will continue, but those special ones always come back to haunt... see http://myqualityday.blogspot.com/2009/04/blue-rubber-ball.html
Happy birthday!
It's all a head thing. I'm 57 now and still feel 40-ish. I don't believe we change much after that. Well, mentally! Physically, ....
Buzzing J said…
Have a Happy WoW 50!!
Mia's Classroom said…
Happy birthday! Huh. Is that what happens? We eventually forget that we even had them? ;)
Irene said…
I've been out of the loop for several days, but ...

Happy Birthday!

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