Happy Memorial Day

Here's a great article I found over at CNN, Ten facts about Memorial Day:

1. It started with the Civil War

2. General Logan made it official

3. It was first known as Decoration Day

4. The holiday is a franchise

5. It was James Garfield's finest hour -- or maybe hour-and-a-half

6. Not even the Unknown Soldier can avoid media scrutiny these days

7. Vietnam vets go whole hog

8. Memorial Day has its customs

9. There is still a grey Memorial Day

10. Each Memorial Day is a little different

These are all explained in detail but you have to go to the article to read it. Have a fun and safe Memorial Day and remember why we celebrate.


BK said…
Happy Memorial Day.
Tatang Sulaeman said…
I wish i could be there saluting the great warriors who fought for the country bravely. We would surely miss their presence but the life needs to go on.

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