Some good news

Thursday I had my first interview at St. Francis High School. I met with the head of the science department and he loved me!!! Loved me!!!! He said he was going to recommend me to the principal and sure enough Friday morning I got a call to schedule an appointment for Monday. I'm so excited I can hardly think straight. I would LOVE to get a job lined up for fall. I'm so not a patient person. Now that I've decided I want to be a teacher and I've tried it and liked it, I want to do it!!!! This would be teaching chemistry and math. Surprisingly enough, I'm uniquely qualified for that position. I worked as a chemist for 7 years and I tutored math all through undergrad. So I'm working on putting together a portfolio for the interview on Monday. Apparently for teaching just a resume or CV is not enough. You actually have to put together a portfolio of your achievements to show how fabulous you are. This is not something I'm good at. I know if I'm good at something or not but having to show how good I am is just not something I'm comfortable with. But I'm working on it!!!! So I'm very, very excited. I can hardly wait until Monday.

In other news, my bathroom sink is backing up. I just noticed it this morning as I was brushing my teeth. You know those silly stoppers that are built into the sinks? The ones you can raise and lower with a knob on top of the faucets? Those are about the most useless things ever. They never seal the hole right and water always leaks out, and they are long and gunk builds up on them. Every so often you have to pull them out and clean them and it is among the most disgusting thing ever!! I would rather clean up my dogs diarrhea then clean that thing. When I get my own house I'm going to get one of those cool copper kitchen sinks and one for the bathroom too. One that works right and doesn't get yucky!!!

Well, that's it for now. I have to head out to Weight Watchers. I'm hoping it doesn't get too hot because I'd like to go for a run this morning. I'm off.....


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