31 July 2009

AFLAC Iron Girl

So I got an email from an intern at AFLAC Iron Girl asking me to post about it on my blog. I said why not. It's going to be broadcast on NBC Sports on Sunday, Aug 2nd. Here's a teaser:

I really love all female events. It may be sexist, I know, but I like not having the testosterone fueled males all over the place. I also think it gives women a safe venue to try something new. Something that in the past hasn't been a traditional female pursuit. Look at some of the women in that video, they are not your typical athletes. Anyway, check it out, it might be fun to watch. Sunday, August 2nd, NBC!!!

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Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...