13 July 2009

The new rules

are working out great. It's not so much about making it a habit, although that is the ultimate goal, it's about making working out not an option. I get up in the morning knowing that I can not turn the computer on until I work out. That's just the way it is, like not being able to eat dinner until you cook something. Not an issue, not a problem, just a fact of life. That's what I've made it and it seems to be working really well so far. In just 3 days I'm feeling like a rock star....and that feeling will carry me pretty far.

Other than that not much to say. I probably should get ready for work. It's the last day of summer school - yea!!!!

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Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...