The trifecta of pain

So yesterday I woke eager to start my workout and eating program and get on with feeling fabulous. A couple things were happening and about to happen. First, I started my period which always causes low back pain. It only lasts for a day or two but it can be pretty bad at times. Second, I was at my highest weight in years. Finally, I decided on a workout that is absolutely brutal but I love and I know works for me. It's a Karen Voight tape, I think it's called Your Personal Best. Unfortunately some model is in it too:

Elle Macpherson, that's right. She annoys me but I really love this workout so I put up with her.

Anyway, I've had this workout for about 10 years and I love it. When I first started losing weight I got it and it's been one of my go-to workouts for years. It's one of the very first tapes that recommended interval training. In this tape you do an aerobic section, then a strength, then an aerobic, then a strength. It does all those things trainers are recommending now. Plus, I'm an aerobic junkie and I just love it. My point here is that this workout is hard but of course you can modify it for your fitness level. Did I do that yesterday? Ummm, no. I did it full throttle. It felt good at the time and my muscles were shaking afterwards. I like that :)

So there's the trifecta: back pain from a period, highest weight ever, no holds barred workout. I woke this morning with a very, very sore back. My low back is just killing me. It's hard to move. So I am wisely going to take it easy today. It's all muscle pain so that's good. I have this fabulous ointment, Cryoderm, that works wonders on muscle pain, so I'll be using that today. I also plan on doing some gentle yoga to stretch things out. Other then that I'll be taking it kind of easy. Tomorrow is when my real program kicks in, yesterday and today were just supposed to be warm up days :)

So that's what I'll be doing today. Hope everyone has a fabulous holiday. If you're feeling sorry for me you can click the donate button on the right :)


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