The best laid plans.....

Life is what happens while you are making other plans.
- John Lennon

It's too true. I also think much of what I accomplish has to be in my thoughts before it happens. I had big plans for this week and I've actually accomplished about 85% of them, so that's not bad, but life threw me some curve balls in the meantime. My project, which I put off doing, turned out to be much larger then I anticipated. My workouts got derailed by TOM!!! My cleaning plans got shifted a little due to us getting a new member of the family this afternoon. Nothing ever seems to go exactly the way it should. But I think I've realized something this week, I'm approaching some things all wrong. I have to have it in my head that I am whatever it is I'm considering. For example, when I decided to become a teacher I did not go around saying "I want to be a teacher" I said "I'm going to be a teacher." And guess what? I am. The two times I did the Honolulu Marathon I didn't say I want to do it, I told people I was going to do it. It really all is in the words I use. So starting today, right now, I'm going to be much more careful with the words I use. I let cramps and low back pain derail my workouts yesterday and today but that's the end. Tomorrow I will ride my bike for an hour. On Sunday I will run again. Next week I will workout everyday. No more wanting and planning only doing. I will do the 10k on New Years Day. I will....


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