Slowly getting better

Yesterday wasn't bad at all. I walked in the morning, ate a healthy breakfast, went out to lunch, and had a small dinner. It was not bad at all. Tomorrow I begin logging all my food. It's funny, I've had the food journal sitting on my desk staring at me for about 4 days now. I'm not allowed to use it until tomorrow and that makes me want to use it. Staring at it and not being able to use it. Yes, I'm strange I know.......

Today we will be tackling the bird house. We are going to re-cage some of the birds and move the birds in the bird house to a cage, then tear down the bird house. It's going to be weird to have a front door again. That's going to take a lot of work and probably most of the day. I'd really rather look for Caribbean hotels but until we get into this house there will be none of that stuff.

Okay, I'm off on my walk and then to the bird houses.


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