I'm cooking

Again.... This is getting to be a habit :)

So a couple of weeks ago I made a soup recipe using the crock pot. It was a veggie soup with beans and sweet potatoes and carrots and celery and spicy seasonings and it was good. I ate it almost everyday for lunch along with a sandwich and I found it filling and satisfying and extremely nutritious. Last weekend I didn't do anything like that and I found myself struggling for lunch everyday. I hate that. I much prefer to have something ready and know what I'm taking. Make it too hard and I'll eat crap every time. Probably because I make my lunch at 4:30 in the morning and thinking is not my strong point then. So I put another pot of soup on this morning. It will cook all day and then I will divide it up into 4 servings and have lunch everyday. All I'll need to grab is a sandwich and I'm good to go. I'm happy because I'm setting myself up for a week of success.

Yesterday was a bird club meeting and it got ugly. There is one member who is just a royal pain in the patookie. She kept asking the same question over and over and over.... She wasn't getting the answer she wanted so instead of accepting it she just kept asking it. I swear everyone there needed a wristech blood pressure monitor since tempers were running so high. Hopefully we have settled that problem and can move on.

Today I have some things to do, nothing strenuous though I do need to get some lessons written for the week. I'm off to shower and wash my car.


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