It's been a good week

I am so totally not used to taking pictures of my food that I lost the whole foodie blogger thing.  I really want to do it so I'm going to work on it more. 

Food has been good.  I generally have a protein smoothie in the morning.  A snack around 10ish - usually fruit.  Lunch around noon and it's been a sandwich and a soup this week.  There's a snack about 3:30 or 4 which is usually a granola bar or some more fruit.   Dinner is usually around 6:30 - 7 and since Hubby cooks it's a total crapshoot.  I've been working out every morning and it feels good. I just keep reminding myself that I'm doing the hard thing not the easy thing.  It actually feels really, really good to do something that is not the easy road. I love it. 

Right now though I have earned some rest......


Frank Zweegers said…
Well, it seems that you're doing well! Keep up the good work and keep up the 'diet'.
I like exersice aswell, I go to the gym 3 times a week, for about an hour.

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