First day of spring

Yea!!! It's been so cold and rainy here that, for a change, I'm really looking forward to spring. Usually the changes in season mean only slight changes in the weather, but this year has been different. It's been very cold for a long stretch of time, very unusual for Hawaii. So, like the rest of the country, I'm definitely looking forward to spring.

So it being spring I feel like I should do something. I'm big on fresh starts and new beginnings and clean slates and all that. With it being the first day of spring I feel I definitely should start something. I'm thinking for the rest of March I will do the elliptical every morning for at least 30 minutes. Right at this point that is completely kicking my butt - that's how out of shape I have gotten. So for the next 12 days I will shoot for 30 minutes on the elliptical. That's good because I can do it in the morning or in the evening. I like it.

April is my birthday month and I think for the month of April I need to kick it up. My immediate goals are to lose 10 lbs, start running and biking again, and be in decent enough shape to do Crossfit over the summer. I don't think those goals are out of my reach but I have to get consistent with the eating and working out. I am considering looking over fat burner reviews and giving them a try. I need something to jump start my comeback.

Now though I have to go workout. One new rule I've instituted is that I can not have my killer oatmeal breakfast until after I work out. And since I crave that thing I think I may have struck gold.


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