
Note: I paid for this product.  I did not receive any compensation in any form for this review. I am doing it out of the goodness of my heart. 

A couple of weeks ago Hubby and I went out one Saturday afternoon and ended up having a couple of beers with lunch. When we got home there was an ad on TV for Zumba.  Now usually I'm pretty immune to infomercials but this particular one really got to me.  First off I'd been feeling pretty down about my weight and looking to do something about it.  Second I love cardio. I started doing cardio back in the 70's when you had the music on a vinyl record and a book showing the moves. I am a cardio freak.  Zumba caught my eye because this was purely cardio.  No sculpting at all.  Cardio pure and simple.  Do you know how long it's been since I had a workout like that?  So in my alcohol induced state I ordered Zumba.  I got it about 2 weeks ago and really couldn't wait to try it out. 

It took me about a week or so before I had the time to try it out.  The set comes with about 4 different workouts and one of them is a basic workout that shows you the moves because this is dancing.  No two ways about it this is dancing.  Latin dancing.  Very cool.  Anyway I did the basic workout and quickly realized it was going to take me time to learn these moves.  But I enjoyed it.  It's been a week since that workout and today, in spite of my being sick the last 2 days, I did the cardio party workout.  It was awesome.  There were many moves I couldn't do very well but I still had fun.  My hips don't move quite as well as the young girls on the DVD but I figure with some practice it will improve.   It was good fun and sweat!?!?!?!?!? I was drenched when I was done and didn't even work as hard as I could if I knew the moves.  If you are looking for a fun, dance type workout this is definitely the one for you.  It is like having a party in your living room and a great way to pass an hour.   I can't wait until tomorrow to do it again. 


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