Almost perfect

Today was the end of the year party at school. This morning was the final final and at noon the partying began. It was fun. There was good food, alcohol, and games. As we were playing these games and having fun and laughing I suddenly realized that my life is almost perfect. I am finally doing a job I've secretly wanted to do for years. I just bought a house that I love in an area that is awesome. I have birds and dogs. I have a kick ass car. Seriously, how could things get any better for me?? If I could just stop with the whole weight thing my life would be absolutely perfect. So I decided instead of working on weight loss and trying to lose weight and what not, I'm going to focus on being active because I love the life I have and want to be able to do it for years to come. I want to have the energy and the strength to keep teaching for a long, long time. Thinking this made me realize that in the past my goals were always to lose weight, drop lbs, drop sizes, not be fat...I was running away from something and that never works. I want to run towards something this life that I absolutely adore....The last time I lost a lot of weight my goal was similar - I was running towards my life not away from part of it. So today the running commences.... No more stressing over the lbs on the scale, I'll just accept that number. No more reading apidexin reviews and looking for a miracle cure... I am the miracle...My life is the miracle and I'm going to get active to run towards the rest of my life....


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