I am not pleased....

with myself that is. I really feel like crap. I feel huge and bloated and fat and greasy. I don't like that I haven't worked out in 3 days and that my food consumption has been less than stellar. I don't like it at all and I am not pleased.

What am I going to do about this you might ask? Well, I'll tell you. I'm going to change it starting right this minute. I'm going to my strength training this morning at 8:30 and I'm going to run there. After my workout I'm going to run back. Then, and only then, I will eat a healthy breakfast. After that I will do some housework, then some schoolwork. Later I will have a small, healthy lunch. This afternoon we will walk the dogs. Hubby is going out this evening so I will make myself a delicious, healthy dinner and relax tonight. I'm going to leave personalized note cards all around the house reminding me to drink water and to just keep moving. There is no reason I need to spend 4 hours on the couch just because it's Saturday - that is insane and it stops today. There are a thousand things I can do around here that will keep me busy, not the least of which is organize my desk and files. So there you have it. A plan of attack. I will also log all my food today and begin wearing my fitbit again. That is all.


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