Too much food

In spite of the fact that I swore I wasn't going to eat too much, I did. Yikes. Still feeling a little full today. I hate that. But I'm going to run and do a circuit workout this morning so that should help it.

Yesterday was nice. We began with a walk with the dogs - that is always nice. Some of the best parts of my days are walking the dogs. Then we had mimosas and eggs Benedict for breakfast. Awesome. Then it was nap time. I don't do champagne well and it kicked my butt yesterday. After I got up it was off to see some friends. Then home for the meal and oh boy was it good. A little pie later on and to bed kind of early. So today the tummy is a little full still. Have to get moving to kick the metabolism into gear and start burning some calories.

I have some errands to run today and I finally get to have my hair cut. The girl I love only works part time so hooking up with my schedule and hers sometimes takes a few days. But she works at 3 today and I will be there. I also have to look for a hot tub cover and a new motor. We have a line on a free hot tub but it needs a motor and a cover. I have to see how much these things cost and if it's worth it. Maybe we can use it as a giant planter :)

Anyway, I have to run. Literally :) I'm running to the studio, working out, then running home.


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