6 miles....

That's how far I went today and I am so stinking proud of myself I could burst.  A little backstory here.

A few years back when I was in such awesome shape, one of the things I did every Saturday was walk/run this 6 mile loop in Kailua. It became so it was just a habit. Initially I started with walking it but as I got fitter I took to running it. So while during the week I would only run for 30 minutes or so, every Saturday I covered at least 6 miles. I think that was part of the reason 10k's were so easy for me...6 miles was just a Saturday run.

Flash forward to Wednesday when I thought about that 6 mile run. I have not done it in years but I want to do a 10k on New Years Day. It seemed like a good idea to do that loop and just see how I felt after covering 6 miles on foot. So this morning, in spite of being kept awake for 2 hours at midnight and the hours of pre-dawn rain, I got up and headed into Kailua. I parked my car, got the shoes on, grabbed my ipod nano and headed out. I had convinced myself to not try and run. I would walk it this time, see how long it took me, then try running next Saturday. Good plan. I ended up walking it and running the last 1/4 mile or so, in 1 hour 25 minutes. Not only that I felt completely awesome and nothing hurt. Nothing... Plus I felt like an absolute superstar. So I am happy, happy, happy......


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