
Today is the official weigh in day. Yikes!!!! I've gotten weighed at the doctors office so I have an idea of what I weigh, but my appointments have always been in the afternoon. I always weigh more in the afternoon. When I was a freak and weighed myself 3 and 4 times a day I learned that. Good to know for when I see big number on the docs scale, but also a good way to create the illusion in my mind that I'm not that heavy. So it's a double-edged sword.

Anyway, I've done pretty well since Wednesday. I've tracked my food religiously even when it was over my points. I haven't worked out since Wednesday because these were my scheduled days off. But I'm supposed to workout today and I'm going to. I'm going the meeting. Then I'm working out. Then I have some things to do before an appointment at 3:15. Busy, busy, busy.

So, I'm off. Will check back in later with all the news.....


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