So it begins

I ended up taking yesterday as a sort of rest day. I had some things that I needed to do, get new shoes and a new bike helmet, in order to really begin my journey. Oh yeah, I needed to get some good food. So now I am ready and I am really looking forward to it. Most breaks I usually have a vague plan of things I want to do and I usually lose interest about mid-way through. Then I end up spending most days on the couch watching bad TV. This time I am determined to make it different. I have a whole list of things to do that should keep me busy most days. I want to work out a lot and I'll be doing most of the cooking while I'm home. All this should keep me on my toes and off the couch.

Today's agenda calls for some cardio this morning, followed by some laundry and housework. Then I will be working on my cabinet - god, I want to get that finished. This afternoon I want to start my weight program and walk the dogs. There is also grading to do and time for a little nap if I get tired. I'm excited. I'm looking forward to being busy and keeping active. Oh yeah, I have to go to Amber's pinning ceremony at 1pm. That will get me out of the house for a little bit. That will be nice.

Now it's time to begin.....


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