How many times

must I relearn the same lesson before it sticks? Seriously!!!

My back/leg/foot has been bothering me for two weeks. Went to the chiro Saturday and it definitely helped, but it has still been sore/painful. As a result, I've been restricting my movements. Spending far, far too much time sitting in my chair or resting on the couch. I don't want to overdo it - and that is true - but I've been using that as a crutch. Yesterday I sucked it up and went to Crossfit. I didn't know what I could do, if anything, but I needed to a) get out of the house and b) try. Turns out I could do some stuff and it actually felt pretty good. The rest of yesterday was the least painful in 3 weeks. That is saying something. So, the lesson I seem to not be able to learn? Movement helps the back. Sitting/laying around does absolutely nothing for my back, nothing. Movement most definitely helps. I need to be careful and not go crazy, but I need to move. With that in mind, I'm going to Crossfit again today and I'm going to be just as careful as yesterday and get my WOD on.

Food, on the other hand, not so great. I find myself not eating in the morning and then from noon on trying to stuff in 2000 calories. That does not work. I'm trying something new today. Got up this morning and had yogurt, grape nuts, and chia seed with my coffee and protein powder. Wanted to get it in two hours before my WOD so I don't throw up or anything. Then, when I come home, I'll have 2nd breakfast. Then I will get some work done and make a healthy lunch. This will be followed by some navel gazing and a dog walk with an afternoon snack thrown in there somewhere. All this will be capped with a nice dinner with Hubby. That should get me to my 2000 calories, at least I'm hoping. That is a lot of eating for me.

Okay, time for Crossfit.


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