Not sure which way to go

Let's review the past couple of months. Every Monday I start the week with a determination to get back on track and go to Crossfit that week. Every Monday after work I go to Crossfit. Every Tuesday I wake up with pain in my feet. This keeps me away from Crossfit and really off my feet because it hurts so much. Then by the weekend the pain is receding and then on Sunday I make my resolutions to go next week. Every time I go to Crossfit I keep things easy. I gave up jumping and basically taking both feet off the ground at the same time. I did box step ups the other day because I didn't want to risk any kind of jumping. So do you see a pattern here? I sure do, but it took me months to see it and I feel like an idiot.

So, what to do? Now that I realize that Crossfit is a problem, do I quit? I'm really leaning that way. Between my weight and the issues with my feet/knees/ankles....I'm thinking I need to scale it back, way back and start over. I honestly don't think doing Crossfit at this point is the right way to go. I need to break this pattern and I need to do something that will benefit my health and not make things worse. Okay, that is done. Moving on........

Now with the pressure of going to that gone and not having the pain every Monday, I might be able to start walking and actually be able to lose some weight. I might join a regular gym too.

It is now Friday night. I started this on Thursday night, but walked away and never came back. Today was a good day. It started with the dog park this morning and then my AP class. that was followed by a staff meeting that wasn't horrible - that's about the best you can ask for :) then a guy came over to talk to use about an energy inspection we had before Christmas. he gave us a lot of good tips for things we can do ourselves to make the house more energy efficient. he also had some suggestions for work they could do, but that would be $5,000. Yikes!!! all he suggested is changing some vent covers, sealing up some holes in the attic, and adding more insulation. $5,000 seems a little excessive for that, so we are going to look for alternative options.

Tonight i finally got ahold of Walden to arrange payments. That was crazy. I was told that the guy I was talking to earlier in the week was out of the office today and then I called his direct line and he answered the phone. Anyway, i got it worked out and i will be able to register for next quarter.

Okay, that is it for tonight. I'm going to post this and then sit back and watch MacGyver and Hawaii 5-0. Time to rest and prepare for tomorrow, I need to get things accomplished tomorrow.


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