Whatever happened to..........

Whenever I am bored, I look up people I haven't heard from in a while on the Internet. Now, most of these people are the type who post every day on Facebook, sometimes multiple times a day. They tend to post a whole lot of selfies and constantly talk about their life in general. Then one day - poof - they are gone. No more selfies. No more day to day details of their life. No more nothing. Just gone. And I can't help but wonder where they went. What happened? Did they suddenly realize that posting their daily life on the Internet was not the best idea? Did they suddenly discover that some of this can come back and bite them in the ass? Did they get hit by a bus? What????  It's like you can't keep us updated on every single aspect of your life and then just disappear. That's not fair. No, not really, but seriously I do wonder about them. Studies have shown that people who post a lot of selfies and who share their life extensively have a fairly low self-esteem and are generally seeking approval from people outside themselves. So I can help but wonder if they suddenly came to a realization or if they just grew up. Of course, what does it say about me that I go looking for these people? Hmmm....something to think about.


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