Gratitude Day 1

 My assignment this week is to write my gratitude every night for at least 3 minutes. So here I go: 

  • I'm grateful for a job that is only 4 days a week. Having a 3 day weekend every week is awesome. It gives us time to run errands on Friday and still have Saturday and Sunday for fun. 
  • I super grateful that my husband wasn't hurt more seriously when he took that fall on Friday. He banged his head on the ground and ended up with a small cut. I was so worried about his head, but turns out his elbow was much more of a problem. He got a huge egg on his elbow and it has been bothering him for 3 days now. 
  • I'm grateful for the ability to seek the proper care for my dog. I don't know exactly what is going on with Bella, but I'm glad that I have the smarts to figure out she needs someone else and the money to do it (shoutout to YNAB). 
  • I'm grateful there is only 2 more weeks of school left.  After the last 15 months, having the summer off this year will be amazing. Also, we are going on our first vacation in many years. So grateful for summer. 
  • I'm grateful that I found and have fully embraced Diligent Mind Self Care. It has made such a difference in my life. I was on the path to get here anyway, but DMSC just helped me get there much, much faster. 
  • I'm really grateful that I found YNAB. I have never been good with money and I didn't completely understand the proper way to handle it. YNAB has not only showed me how to handle it, but it has broken us from the paycheck to paycheck cycle. For the first time in my adult life I am not worried about money.


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