Gratitude Day 6

 I am liking this journaling thing. Well, I always liked it, that's why I kept a blog for however many years. Need to check that. Edit: I just checked and I've been blogging since 2004. That's 17 years. Wow!!!! Need to go back and read some of them this summer. 

Today I'm grateful for being able to go to the gym. I love to have a place to go to workout and get stronger. Love that. 

I'm grateful for the fact that they are lifting the mask wearing guidelines which I hope means we are on the downside of this pandemic. While I understand and agree with wearing a mask, I'm kind of over it. 

I'm grateful for being able to go to lunch on a Friday afternoon. Not only being able to afford going to lunch, but living in a place that provides so many options for lunch. 

What else..... seems like I'm not getting very deep on these. Maybe it's the fact that I only have 3 minutes. It's hard to go deep in such a short amount of time. Maybe today I will keep going and see what happens. Or maybe I'll do that tomorrow since I am really tired tonight. 


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