The knee is slowly healing

 It's been really slow which is what leads me to believe it's fascia related and not musculature. Also, when I sit it gets stiff, but as long as I'm moving it's fine. 

This is day one of a 5 day weekend and even though we just came off winter break, it is needed. I need to regroup since I didn't get much set up over the winter break. 

Yesterday my watch died for no apparent reason. Seems that the battery drained before I got home from school. That never happens. I don't know why it happened. I charged it up last night and it seems fine this morning. I hope there is nothing wrong with it. I love Samsung, I really do, but almost every single watch I have gotten from them has required repair or replacement. Weird. 

I've signed Mavy up for a training class. He is the type of dog that needs regular  training and bonding and he needs to just be more active. So on Tuesday nights we will go to training. I think it will be good for him. I honestly think it will be good for me too. I've gotten so into basically shutting down come 4 or 5 o'clock. We don't go out at night. Ever. Hubby is in bed by 7:30pm. I've fixed my sleeping so I'm in bed by 8:30. I'm too young for this. Seriously. Sleep is important but I'm acting like I'm 1,000,000 years old. I'm not. So anyway, that starts in February. 

I really don't have much else and I forgot to start my tree so I'm going to sign off here. 


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